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Okay so I've located a bug I think?
If you switch the house cup for the cute plant, you'll die and also you lose your plant (very sad)... however you still get to keep the house cup, but I'm not sure where to go from here, as you can also put the house cup back and then you're stuck.
I have also yet to figure out what the fish or the yarn is for, nor why you need to give the hippogriff the snacks.
Bonus random question, why are there two different places where you can pick up the snack item?

Okay so the cute plant is the thing that replaces the house cup so you dont die. Once you have the house cup you want to visit  the Great Hall and there will be a celebration. 

The fish and yarn are not for anything. They were just an added thing I put in there for fun just like the Twilight book.

The snacks are for petting the hippogriff successfully otherwise you'll be harmed and possibly sent to the Hospital Wing. As for why are there two different place where you can pick up a snack item-- just because. lol

Thanks for playing! I hope you had fun!

Hi is the text for charms class supposed to disappear? because every time I enter the room the text is gone

Deleted 184 days ago

also how do I get past the womping willow? I probably need a luck potion of some kind but I don't know how to get that

The text should definitely not disappear- that is something I’ll have to fix.

As for the Whomping Willow you’ll need a couple different t things to get through the different levels of it. You must brew a luck potion using the ingredients you find around the castle.

Let me know if you get stuck and I’ll try to help!

Thank you for your response. 

I suppose I was just asking how to get the recipe for the luck potion as I have no idea how to go about getting that

The luck potion recipe is in the restricted section of the library. 

thanks that was the only thing i needed and i completed the game
that was fun you did a good job :)

(1 edit)

Hi! I think I've completed the game (I think, because the certificate of achievement isn't showing- but I already have the cup anyway!) but I wonder where's the location of the cozy pair of slippers for the stuffed badger? I still haven't gotten over the poor badger yet :'-) Lovely game tho! 10/10

Hi! Thanks for playing! The slippers were in the Room of Requirement-- it would require a couple of clicks for you to find them as there was other stuff in that room as well. Thanks again for playing!

Oh! Thank you for that. I think I've clicked on the Room of Requirement a thousand times now and I still haven't gotten the slippers yet... I guess I need to click a bit more? I keep only getting the other stuff there

Hello! I found the slippers in the hufflepuff common room as one of the punctuation marks. I never found them in the room of requirement.

Hi! I completely forgot about this lol but thank you! My lifelong dream has finally been achieved. May your pillow be cold on both sides tonight.

I completely forgot about the slippers in the common room! Thank you!

The game looks promising but there are quite a few bugs. It tells me I have Hufflepuff's password but it's not recorded in the Notes section. Now I'm stuck because I can't get the password anymore. The random attacks by Peeves - is there supposed to be a Close button? I ended up having to refresh the page every time it happens.

Weird. I just play-tested the hufflepuff password both ways you can get it and it worked just fine.  The Peeves attacks should have a close button-- not sure why it's not showing up for you. As far as the Hufflepuff password it's SPOILERS  hiccough sweets SPOILERS

Hi! One more question- I have the accio, protego, and surgito spells, and can't seem to find the last one. Is there a hint as to where the last one is? Also, when I go to the dueling court, the italicized words say that I'm almost there and to keep casting, but the messages in the black boxes say that I've casted all three of the spells perfectly, even though I've only casted one at that point. Is that because I haven't gotten the 4th spell or something else? Thanks!

The final spell should be in the Slytherin Common Room. It is because you haven't gotten the fourth spell yet-- hopefully, there is not some error on my part-- grab the spell from the Slytherin Common Room, and then let me know if it's still showing up. Good luck!

Maybe I'm stupid, but I only get a key in the Slytherin Common Room? I guess if there is some place that I'm supposed to use the key, could I please have a hint?

There is a hidden link in the common room underneath the text. It highlights white so it's hard to see but I swear its there.

Omggg I did not even see that originally! Such a good clue! Thank you for your help!!

hey if you mess up the wit potion you can lose the cute plan

Wonderful game! I am enjoying finding all the hidden secrets. When I try to brew the Wit-Strengthening potion, I get an error that says "Error: the passage "WSBrew2" does not exist". I have triple checked the ingredients and have brewed all the other potions. Any tips?

Uhoh sounds like a mess up on my part. I’ll have to fix it and then reupload the game. Sorry for the inconvenience but thanks for playing! If you don’t want to wait for me to upload and restart the game, I can give you a hint as to what the wit-sharpening potion does. That way you can continue to play uninterrupted. Just let me know!

No worries, I'll check back in a while so I can play the game as intended. It's the perfect level of difficulty to keep you engaged but not frustrated :) 

What is needed to pet the hippogriff?  I ether can't find the right snack or it glitched for me.

You need a little bag of snacks that can be found at the Ravenclaw table in the Great Hall. :)

(1 edit)

Thx, i think it still glitched out on me me as it wouldn't let get it before. 

Hi! How do I get the little bag of snacks? The only thing at the Ravenclaw table that is happening is a booby trap.

Hi! Look at the very end of the last sentence. It’s in that period. :) 

ooh that is so sneaky! thank you for the help!

Deleted post

That is an excellent idea. I will attempt to add a hint system on the next update. For now, I can give hints if you are stuck somewhere-- just let me know. Thanks for playing!

getting a fatal error when trying to load game

:/ I'm not sure what to tell you, my guy. It sucks that you are getting a fatal error but when I load them up they are fine. And since no one else has come to me with the same complaint I think the problem might be on your end. What browser are you using? What does the screen say when you try to load them up? I'm sorry you're having issues but I, unfortunately, don't know how to help. Good luck! I hope you figure it out!

I can't figure out the ancient glyphs translation puzzle. Can you give me a hint or something 

If you're talking about the ancient runes scrap of paper found in the Ancient Runes classroom then you'll have to brew a wit-sharpening potion to be able to read it.

If you are talking about the ancient runes you find after practicing on the dummies in DADA then you have to ask the librarian about it.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you need more of a hint :)

Want I am talking about is am at the part were the cup is. I just need hint for the ancient script part

Ohh. Okay, you are going to use the scroll the librarian gave you to decode the glyphs. Then using no caps put that translation in the input box and hit enter. 

I'm realizing now that it will be very difficult/annoying to go back and forth. I'll add a fix in the next update!

This is super fun! Cannot figure out how to do the final switch for the life of me, but I've had a blast playing

Visit the greenhouses and say yes to what the professor is offering you! I'm glad you had fun playing! XD

I've been playing the game for a bit and a suggestion I have is possibly keeping the health bar just fixed instead of going it moving when it's lowered. When playing and having to go back and forth between two screens, the bar goes all crazy and I don't quite know my health until it calms down.


Great suggestion! I'll try and fix it with the next update! Thanks for playing. :)